
Vicki tagged me with a literary meme which goes a little something like this…

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.

The nearest book I have is La Testa degli Italiani by Beppe Severgnini which I am reading for classes I am taking to fine tune my Italian.

“Da una quindicina d’anni non se ne montano quasi piu`, se non negli alberghi e negli ospedali: ma ancora segnano il paesaggio italiano.”

“Il territorio lasciato libero dalla ritirata delle tapparelle e` stato occupato da altri serramenti . Vanno molto le imposte: al mare spesso hanno tocchi montani, e viceversa.”

And that is why I also have the English translation, which comes with the different title of ‘La Bella Figura’ for when I need a little assistance !!!!

“For about fifteen years, the only places where new ones have been fitted are hotels and hospitals but they continue to be a keynote of Italy’s townscapes.”

“The territory abandoned but the *tapparella has been occupied by other fitments. Shutters are very popular. At the seaside, they often have an Alpine look about them and vice versa.”

* The blind – tapparella in Italian, from the verb tappare, to close – turns a room into a pitch-dark catacomb.

Sounds riveting, no?

I started this Advanced Italian course this year and I’m lovin’ it.

Now to … Nichola, Mary Beth, Katherine , Geri , Erica .. you’re it !