Baby news at Tessuti Fabrics

Sorry everyone – I needed a little blog break last week. The Tessuti Awards took up a lot of our time and energy over the last few months and I have a backlog of posts, pattern reviews and stuff to catch up on and post about but where to start?

OK, here’s what we think is the most exciting news – two of our Tessuti managers, Emma from Chatswood and Rebecca from City (Wynyard) are expecting. They’re only a month apart with Rebecca due in February and they are looking gorgeous, absolutely glowing and are very excited about becoming mums for the first time. Here they both are, (below) at our Tessuti Awards last month. Also in the pic is Cindy who used to work at Chatswood, and is due any day now and awaiting a new little brother or sister for gorgeous 2 year old, Imogen.

left to right: Cindy, Rebecca and Emma

Emma’s been very busy sewing up some stunning maternity wear (these pattern review posts to come next) and Rebecca still has loads of energy for her ballroom dancing and costume-making. These are incredible and need to be shared as well.

PS. In other very exciting news…the 27th of this month will mark Sew Tessuti’s first birthday. I can’t believe it – even hubby Greg thought that my interest would peter out after a month or so. Ha! And I’m still lovin’ blogging soooo much. So stay tuned for another celebratory giveaway towards the end of the month. Hey, it’ll be our birthday but you get the presents!
