19 days to The Tessuti Awards.
October 10, 2008
We are all getting very excited about this year’s Tessuti Awards. We have had an overwhelming reponse so far – particularly in the Little Black Dress Category (who wouldn’t want to win a trip to Paris?)
If you can attend on the night (29th October) with your entry, I urge you to register as quickly as possible as entries are limited. Remember the closing date for registration is 22nd October (only 12 days to go!!!).
PS: There has been an exciting development regarding the award night, but more on that soon.
I am really looking forward to the night! To see everyone’s creations, and of course, show off mine. Up until a few months ago, I always felt like I was the only one I knew my age that sewed- Thank goodness for the internet! It will be fun to meet all of these creative people on the night too.
dear collette,
i’ve received the invitation to the awards but how to i register for attending only – without entering?
best, diane