A postcard (well, sort of) from New York

Laura, 1st Prize winner of the Little Black Dress category in the 2010 Tessuti Awards, sent us a lovely email together with these photos about her winning trip to New York.
Hello Tessuti!
It’s Laura Keogh. I won the little black dress section of the Tessuti Awards last year. I spent 2 amazing weeks in New York, I saw the sights, went to all the vintage markets I could find and met some amazing people. I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for that opportunity. I’m sort of still on my NY trip, after 2 weeks in NY I flew to London, travelled around Europe and now I’m living in London for 6 months working as a studio assistant at a fashion label, and it was all thanks to the Tessuti Awards for getting me here!
I’ve attached a photo of NY at night taken from waters edge in Brooklyn and one of me on the Brooklyn Bridge.
The winner for this year looks amazing, she will have the time of her life in New York like I did.