Blog Birthday giveaway – we’re 5!
Happy 5th blog birthday to us! It’s hard to believe but we’re almost 1000 posts in now. Back in November 2007, I was so bamboozled my the concept of blogging that I didn’t even know how to upload a photo to accompany my first post.
To celebrate, we’re giving away our last available length of Fiorentina (1.2m – see it made up here), a hard copy pattern of your choice (choose from either the Lily Linen Dress, Chloe Pants or Mia Tunic), and a beautiful pair of 210mm Japanese dressmaking scissors.
The giveaway is open to readers near and far. To enter, just leave a comment with your sewing wishes for 2013. If you’re commenting anonymously, PLEASE don’t forget to include your email address. Facebook followers can also be eligible by leaving a comment over here. Comments close on Mon 3rd Dec 11:59pm AEST and we’ll announce the randomly chosen winner shortly after.
Thanks for reading us over the last five years and we hope you stick around for the next five. Now go forth, comment and good luck!
I hope that I sew more- and learn more!
I want to make several quilts, work on not sewing so perfect, add some items to my personal wardrobe that actually work and are trendy, maybe even make my daughter something!
I am hoping to get more sewn for my sons in 2013. This year has been all about my daughter and myself so it is time to give my boys some home-made clothes before they stop feeling the love for wearing mummy's sewing.
My sewing plans for 2013 is to create several pieces of clothing that fit me well and are beautifully finished and work together to form a wardrobe. I aim to have 5 really beautiful pieces of clothing by the end of next year – which will be an achievement as I have only been sewing for six months!
Congratulations! There is always so much happening at Tessuti, lovely fabric, beautiful customer creations, annual awards and now your own pattern range, no wonder you have found plenty to blog about 🙂
My sewing plans for 2013 are to make rather than buy clothes, also to continue improving my skills, especially to learn more about fitting and techniques.
Happy birthday!! My sewing wishes for 2013 are to continue to sew more separates for my work wardrobe and some "shorts with pockets that go down to the knees to hold stuff" for my 7 year old son 🙂
Can't believe it's been five years. My sewing wish for 2013 would be for more hours in the day…but realistically, probably trying out patterns from more independent pattern designers.
Congrats, guys!
congrats on 5 years! My sewing wishes for 2013 are to actually follow through with more of my sewing plans, and hopefully reduce my fabric stash.
I would like to continue on with my slow-sewing – learning new skills and doing the best I can with each garment. I would like to increase my challenges and attempt some more difficult items – There are a couple of Burda Style jackets I would love to tackle.
Sew more than this year which should be doable as I've only made 2 things.
My sewing wish for 2013 is to use all the fabric I have in my stash and some of the patterns I also have. I collect these faster than I can sew them!….Anna
My 2013 sewing wish is to get better at sewing things I will wear rather than things I think I should sew! And of course, for more sewing time 🙂
Congrats on the 5 years!
I think my main wish is that I had more time to sew!
My biggest sewing wish for 2013 is to make the time to sew and then all my other sewing wishes will come true (except the one for a higher income so that I can purchase more fabulous fabric!)
Happy fifth birthday to your blog Colette and colleagues. You've come such a long way from not knowing how to upload a photo five years ago: "Sew Tessuti" is fabulous, very professional and one of my most favourite blogs. As soon as I see a new post from you in my Reader I have to open it immediately! Well done, many thanks, and long may "Sew Tessuti" continue to inspire us all.
Excellent birthday giveaway! Congrats on your 5th yr of blogging. I hope to make the Lily dress (I have even purchased a lovely navy linen already), a knit Tiramisu dress (Cake patterns) and an Anise jacket (Colette patterns). Plus lots of lovely clothes from Japanese pattern books for my young children.
Time flies when you're having fun!! For 2013 I think I would like to learn a bit more pattern drafting and some more technical elements. And of course to be able to buy all the fabric I want and have room to store it!
Happy blog birthday Tessuti! My sewing wish this year is to concentrate on 'wearable' items – and make Little M a quilt for her bed. Hope you have some champagne to celebrate! Xx
Happy birthday! I wish I had a Tessuti near me in California. Australians have it good! My sewing wishes are that buy gobs of linen and find the time to sew it all up 🙂
Happy 5th birthday!
My sewing wish for 2013 is to get an overlocker so I can finish things off a bit better 🙂
Congratulations! My goal is to work on my own dress making skills amd get a bit more adventures as my skills increase
Hoping to conquer my fear of all filmy and flimsy fabric … Baaahahahah … will give it my best 😉
Congrats on 5th anniversary of Tessuti!!!
My sewing wishes for 2013 is that I'll be able to learn more technique to sew clothes that fit well, be able to make more of my own clothes (that doesn't look "homemade"), and to top it all off to be able to have enough time to do it 🙂
I hope to sew some trousers/pants in 2013 🙂
Congratulations to you. The fabric is gorgeous. My sewing aspirations for 2013 are to challenge myself with more complicated sewing and also to sew more 50s styled garments. I hope near and far includes NZ!! My fingers are crossed.
Hope to be more productive and finally make inroads into that stash I have been building
Congratulations on five years of blogging. I find lots of inspiration here. My sewing hopes for 2013 are to learn some more couture techniques – especially in relation to buttonholes, linings and inter facings. I also hope to get better at altering patterns to fit. Best wishes for your 2013 sewing plans, too.
I'm in! Happy birthday. You should be proud of this blog. It's an awesome read and def a wonderful sewing resource for our little sewing community 🙂 Congratulations!
My sewing goal for 2013 is to become more confortable sewing knits.
Happy 5th blog birthday. My wish for 2013 is to test the sewing skills i have been developing, and tackle some more challenging patterns, especially trousers. I would also like to complete my ever growing list of things to make, but there are too many great sewists out there whose beautiful work inspires me even more.
I hope that I can finish my boyfriend's suit (and mine too)!
Love your blog. You always feature some really fabulous garments. In 2013 I just want to sew more and increase my speed. 2012 was my first year of sewing garments for me so I have lots to do on my dream list!
Happy blog birthday! My sewing hopes for 2013 are to master sewing a blazer/ jacket for myself and a men's shirt for my hubby (never sewn for him).
Happy blogiversary!
I just want to sew more next year than I did this year. The last garment I made is the Lily dress, and I'm wearing it today in 39 degree Melbourne, and loving it!
Happy Birthday to the fabulous Tessuti, for 5 years of Textile Inspiration and Innovation. May there be many, many more.
Now, my sewing wishe for 2013, like every sewer on the planet, and I have to say, I have NEVER seen this for sale in yoour beautiful shop…my sewing wish is for…more time to sew! Of course!
I'm way over in Dunedin so have never had a chance to visit your gorgeous shop but I am travelling to Melbourne for Christmas. I'm gonna be there with a very long shopping list!
Just want to get lots of sewing done and to use some of my stash, so I can buy more of course.Love seeing your patterns and making them.
Congratulations to you. I like to read about sewing from the other end of the world. And also I like my Lily Linen Dress from you. More inspirations, new patterns and nice sewingideas for 2013 are my wishes.
Regards from Germany Mema
Happy 5th Tessuti!!!!! I'd adored making my shopping fabrics in your store, because I adore what you sell.
From France 😉
My sewing wish is to make time to sew and assume it will all work out well!
Happy Anniversary! I would love to sew better fitting pants and tops, something to work on in the new year
happy 5th blogiversary! my wish for 2013 is to sew up at least one third of my stash. 🙂
Oh my goodness, 5 years?! That's amazing, I'm not sure I even really knew what blogging was back then… Congratulations and Happy Birthday Tessuti blog!!
My sewing wish is really just to find more time/be more organised about it all 🙂
Happy Blogoversary. Linen dress pattern I what I heart. My scissors are on the verge of being blunt , hence a new pair of scissors would be perfect. And top it off off with fabric. This is a great giveaway. Thank you.
Speaking of giveaways.i am also hosting one Pochee sewing magazine kids special edition. Please do participate.
Happy 5th Birthday Tessuti Blog!
Thank you for reigniting my love of sewing and providing constant inspiration.
Thank you Tessuti for wonderful fabrics!
Here's to a stash-busting 2013… making room for some more pattern-wrapped bundles in the mail.
Thanks for the fabric…. and oh, for more time!!!
Happy blogaversary! I plan to overcome my fear of sewing pants (looking at that chloe pant pattern) and to make a coat this coming 2013 winter. I made a jacket this year and it was a big job but gave me such a sense of accomplishment!
congratulations, a great achievement. I love catching up with your news. For 2013 I would like to sew each of my daughters a dress – yes I will definitely try.
Congratulations. My sewing wish is for great patterns and beautiful fabrics for the whole of 2013. I love your blog and keep it in my top 10 to remind me about 'quality' in sewing. Susie
Happy Birthday! More time to sew and hopefully start on a good summer wardrobe. I would like to make a dent in my stash………Made the Lily dress last weekend, just in time for today's heat wave.
"You've come a long way baby"!! Happpy Birthday. The 2013 wishes started in August when I saw the lovely Mia blog. To nail that one, and take it with me to uk in March 2013 to see my lovely daughter, as part of a "travel" trans-seasonal wardrobe is my aim. So wonderful to be able to get non-seasonal fabric, but fabulous fabrics from Tessutis. I continue to learn from, and be inspired by your talented customers, and your inspirational fabrics. thank you
Happy Birthday! My sewing wishes for 2013 is to actually have more time for sewing and make more wearable items.
Happy Birthday and thank you for your inspiring blog! The obvious issue of time to sew is a nice dream, but in reality, I want to excite my wardrobe a little more with my choices of fabric and pattern designs. Time to break out and be bright!
Congrats – I love your shop at Chatswood and have for years. Next year I am going to make my 9 year old a valance for his bed I promise! And more clothes for me! Yay!
My sewing wish is to sew perfectly. I don't mind if I sew less, or sew less complicated patterns, but I want to create wardrobe pieces that are BETTER than shop bought, because I can choose quality fabrics, and use better finishes. That's it, really.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary.Hoping the coming years will just be as good.
We are moving to Sydeny next year so I wish to sign up for a couple of sewing classes at Tessuti and make myself something lovely 🙂
My sewing wish is to be a quicker sewer! To use my sewing time more effectively and to actually finish off pieces!
I want to make a man's suit!
Happy blog anniversary. Two things I didn't get completed this year were a channel-style jacket and swimwear. I just ran out of time. They'll be first in line next year.
My sewing wish is to get pants fitting right!
I love your blog. My mission for 2013 is to sew all of my clothes and buy only undies and socks.
Diana M
Congrats on 5th anniversary! I hope to get a few projects done for our new house we move into in January.
Happy number 5!! I hope to continue challenging myself in 2013. I want to improve my hand finishing techniques and continue to explore and discover new construction methods. I am hoping to drag my husband along to Tessuti one day so he can choose a suit fabric for me to make him a suit…and I would love to have a go sewing silk on the bias and experimenting more with lace, organza and silk jersey. I am hoping to fill my wardrobe with perfectly fitting clothes for myself! 😉
Happy blogversary! My wish for 2013 is to finish some quilts and clean out my very full wardrobe that has nothing that I can wear and fill it with fabulous fitting clothes that I will wear all the time.
Happy Blog-iversary. My sewing wishes for the new year are to actually get some of the things on my wish list sewn – I have the patterns & the materials. I just need the time. And I just keep looking at the Lily dress. It might have to be a cue jumper!
Happy 5th Birthday and thank you for all the wonderful inspiration.
My sewing wish for 2013 is to get pants to fit and learn more techniques.
my sewing wish for 2013 is to do more sewing than I did in 2012. I was a bit slack this year!
Happy blogversary! I hope to sew some well fitting pants in 2013.
Happy Birthday!My wish for 2013 is to visit you in Sydney when I'm there in March. (I can't wait!)Also to have more time to sew more beautiful clothes from your lovely materials you have on
My sewing wishes are too great to list, but a well fitted pair of pants and tackling jersey are high on the to do list.
Congratulations on 5 years of blogging Colette and the team, and here's to another 5 years for you all.
I'm thankful for the Tessuti's blog…it was the first blog I ever saw and opened a whole new world of sewing. So happy birthday.
Happy anniversary! I love your blog so much – glad you started it!
My sewing wish for 2013 is to be able to make one new clothing item a month. If I make two – great! I've just signed up for the skirt class on Craftsy, so I see a whole lot of skirts in my future!
My sewing goals for 2013, are to continue to slow down and focus on quality. I would like to take another class from Kenneth King and Susan Khalje and continue to follow couture techniques that can even be used with as much as a simple sundress. Our skills must continue to be refined!!
I love Tessuti fabrics. If you had opened back in the 80's I would never have left my beautiful country !!
From Joanne (expat from Sydney, living in Minneapolis, USA)
Congratulations and thank you for a very inspiring blog. My sewing wishes for 2013 is just to get some sewing done. It hasn't been much the last year, and I miss it.
My plan is to be selfish and make lots of things for me and my family but I am a compulsive giver so we will just see how that goes! My first item is a maxi dress for myself!
Congratulations! Every morning I check my Reader to see if there is a Tessuti blog entry! I hope to become more centered in my sewing in 2013, to enjoy the moment rather than in a rush to get it done…maybe even grow to enjoy the hand sewing parts of projects.
Happy 5th to you! I hope to keep sewing and to perfect techniqes and take greater pride in my work. I want to expand my wardope with pieces I make.
Happy Birthday! My sewing plan includes the Chanel jacket, the rest: we will see! walter_anke at
My hope is that I get through my enormous fabric stash! And that I stop compulsively buying more fabric until my current stash is gone!
WOW! Happy anniversary! My s.w. for 2013 is more to sew for the house: cushions and curtains. And a new robes to everybody. B.r.
My hope for 2013 is to be able to pass on some of my sewing skills to others and encourage others to take up sewing and take pride in wearing their own individual creations.
Congratulations! Your blog is such an inspiration. Definitely one of my favorites on my reader! My sewing wishes for 2013 is to get some simple shirts made up. It makes me happy when I wear shirts that I've made well. A sub-wish is that I wish that I could finally master bust darts!
My biggest wish for 2013 is to make some clothes for myself, for a change! :o)
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
For 2013 my wish is to win the lottery so I can attend every sewing lesson of my dreams, buy all the (Tessuti) fabric I desire and leave work and spend as long as I want sewing. It would also need to involve buying a house by the sea so my sewing room looked over the beach, and several extra rooms for me to store all the fabric and patterns I want. I will also venture into the world of sewing lingerie so I can get a comfortable bra and undies. Is that too much to ask?
My wish for 2013 is to be more consistent about sewing instead of bursts of activity!
My sewing wishes for 2013 are to get better at fitting garments, acquire some tailoring skills while making myself a winter coat (without cutting any corner) and to finally start blogging my creations…
Congratulations 5 years of useful information and lots of eye candy a blogsite I always recommend to fellow sewers.
Happy Birthday!! My sewing wishes for 2013 include more time for creating new designs…and to finish some large scale quilting projects!
Haven't those five years flown – congratulations on your wonderful and informative blog. In 2013 my dream would be to have time to make some clothes for myself, as well as finish some quilts lying guiltily in my sewing room cupboard. Very indulgent I know, but there it is.
I love this blog. I check it almost every day, which is probably a major factor behind my sewing wish for next year: to have more money to buy fabric and patterns and to have more time for sewing with them!
Best wishes.
Happy Birthday!! Keep up the good work. I love it.
My sewing wish is to get my confidence back – at choosing fabric and patterns, fitting and creating.
Lovely fabric and giveaway! May everyone's seems be straight, pintucks be neat, button holes be beautiful, zippers and sleeves go in first time and may you fall in love with a new piece every day.
Happy birthday, next year I want to sew well fitting trousers!
My sewing wishes: "Happy sewing to everyone with more successes than failures".
I'm hoping for more time to sew — there are so many projects I'd love to work on.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
I hope that my daughter has a place in daycare for at least a half day a week next year, so I have some energy left to do 'me' things – like sewing! With an early walking baby, come end of day, I have nothing left for hobbies.
Congratulations on 5 years!
~Sarah B
souriceau at hotmail. com
Happy 5th Birthday!!!!
My sewing wish is, when i start something new, to stick with it until it completely finished, not put it aside and start something else.
Happy 5th Birthday!!!!
My sewing wish is, when i start something new, to stick with it until it completely finished, not put it aside and start something else.
I wish that I can do more sewing and quilting.
Fantastic blog – congrats on 5 years. Hopefully 2013 will be another year full of sewing and I will be inspired to tackle patternmaking!
Congrats on 5 years
My sewing goals for 2013 involve:
1. getting a new machine to replace my 1950s ear singer sewing machine that can't cope with sheer slippery fabrics (but is great for leather).
2. writing a list of "sewing skills to acquire" and slowly working through this, such as "perfect the creation of buttonholes"
3. make a couple of amazing outfits and a couple of comfortable ones for my partner and I.
Congrats on 5 years!! I have many many quilting patterns in my head but would love to expand my very small range of clothing patterns that I actually make from and be more brave to try new things. Have more faith in myself that to try is better than to do nothing!
Wasn't going to join in but I cannot help myself with such wonderful prizes on offer. My sewing wish for 2013 is that I will sew for the person I am today, not the person I was twenty years ago.
Happy Birthday and congratulations on 5 years! My goal for 2013 is to get back to sewing since I've horribly busy for the past year that I've not had the time to finish projects which I've started.
Congrats on 5 years of inspiration! As a proffesional dressmaker, my sewing wish for 2013, is that everyone get as much joy, sense of achievement from sewing as I do, and see the happiness a well fitting garment can give. How I love my job, and how no matter how accomplished you are, sewing can always challenge and delight you!
Congratulations on five years! My sewing wish for 2013 is to get up close and personal with fitting 🙂
Happy birthday congratulations on such an inspiring blog! I have a couple of patterns in mind to start on when #1 daughter starts school in the new year and #2 in childcare for 1 day I may have some me time.
Congratulations on 5 years! May there be many more to come! I've got too many wishes for 2013 to even start listing them – i keep coming out with "2013 will be the year of the ***" and then remembering how many times I've already said that about something else!
Ok… Happy birthday on 5 years. My sewing wishes for 2013 is to try bra making and get some of my stash used up!
Congratulations!!!!! I started to sew clothes 5years ago and have been using Tessuti fabrics since 3years ago. Best fabrics in the world.
Happy blog birthday!
My wish for 2013 is made the dress for my baby
Congrats on your 5th anniversary.
I wish for more time to sew in 2013.
Congratulations on five years – my 2013 sewing wish is to help my daughter feel more confident in sewing, and encouraging her to make her own clothes.
My main wish for 2013 is to complete more garments designed, drafted and sewn by me.
My sewing wish for 2013 is to make clothes appropriate for Tulsa, Oklahoma – maybe sundresses.
Love the blog thank you. I hope in 2013 I do more and talk about less 🙂
My sewing wishes for 2013 are more time to sew, to fulfill my daughters request to learn to sew in such a way that she continues sewing into the future, and a bernina sewing machine, it doesn't have to be fancy, it can be second hand but I need a new machine.
All my different sewing wished for 2013 boil down to one thing! I want to keep enjoying sewing!! Thanks for the gorgeous giveaway!
Ooh, my sewing wishes for 2013 are to FINALLY crack open my Japanese pattern books!
Love the blog! My sewing goal for 2013 is to attend a few more tessuti sewing classes.
My sewing wishes are to fill my wardrobe with homemade clothes. Thanks for the inspiration!
This year I've lost 32 pounds. None of my old clothes fit well anymore – I'm constantly hiking my pants back up.
Next year, I plan to put my fabric stash to use and make a wardrobe that fits!
happy 5th birthday – my sewing wishes for 2013 is to sew a quilt and clothes for me and to finish the shirt i started for my husband
and to try to stop expanding my fabric stash, or maybe not……
Well, to keep on keeping on basically! Play with more pattern making and refining fit by making toiles…. yippee!
I am living temporarily at the moment, so all my fabric and sewing machines are in boxes. I can't wait till I move and unpack them in the new year – just sewing anything will be fabulous. While I'm not sewing much now, my mental sewing wish list is growing out of control, so it will be good to start tackling it 🙂 Congratulations on 5 years blogging – I love reading your blog and seeing all the great creations!
Happy blogthday!
My sewing wish for 2013 is to do more of it! I have just gotten back into sewing, and have made some simple skirts and shorts for my son, but I want to do more – zippers! Facings! Commercial patterns! Silk! Stretch jersey! So many exciting sewing opportunities, I hope my sewing wish includes some child-free time in which to achieve it!
Happy 5th birthday! After four years of living in a tiny apartment with no room to sew, I am lucky enough to have a separate room for sewing. My main wish is not to forget how lucky I am to have it, and my goal is to sew at least one new item a month (for myself or for others). Also, I want to get better at draping and patternmaking.
Happy 5th Blogbirthday,
My main wish is (as for everyone else it seems) more time to sew but I'd like to tackle sewing more stretch fabrics too
Happy birthday! Thank you for such an exciting giveaway opportunity. My sewing plans for 2013 are to make some lovely Winter garments for myself and my twin girls, as I usually tend to just do Summer clothes.
Like most people, I want to sew more in 2013. In particular, my goal is to sew a fabulous coat from one of my vintage patterns. One can never have too many coats in Melbourne 🙂
i really want to improve my skills by trying some challenging patterns rather than staying safe. oh, and finish things off!!
I want to finish my first quilt
I would like to be able to sew consistently…..regularly….instead of snatching an hour here and an hour there…..
My goal is to be better organized in terms of prioritizing projects, and finding more time to sew!
What a great giveaway 🙂 2013 will be the year of sewing for me! I spent much of 2012 sewing for family, friends and my daughters so now it's my turn.
I want to sew more garments using my expensive international magazines such as Burda, Knipmode and La Mia Boutique. And use up as much stash as possible!!
I would like to sew things that reflect my personality – clothing that is unique to me!
I wish that I could get help for my fabric buying obsession 🙂
I will be sewing my entire 2013 wardrobe next year. Wish me luck! Winnie –
Happy 5th Blogging Birthday! My sewing wishes for 2013 include making my first winter overcoat and some trousers that fit … in addition to the usual vintage frocks.
My sewing wishes for the new year are to sew a lot, learn new things, and use all my fabric stash so that i don't feel guilty to buy new fabrics!
I am aiming to be a more careful sewer and hoping to make more clothes using my own fabric design. Happy 5th birthday!
My wish is to sew 6 dresses and three skirts and jeans for my daughter.
Is there still time to enter? My sewing wish is to finish my overalls/skirt!