Otga’s ‘Diamond City’ Jacket (and our giveaway winner!)
Ah Otga, she’s done it again. Here she is in a simple, cropped, raglan-sleeved jacket made up in our Diamond City. The pattern is her very own and a classic style if ever I saw one. She finished her seams using a Hong Kong binding method, which she said was time consuming but clearly well worth the effort.
Unfortunately, this fabric is now sold out but Melbourne has a small amount remaining in a different colourway and design – Italian Origami.
PS Many thanks to everyone who entered our 5th Birthday Giveaway. It seems that many of you, like us, are wishing for more time to sew 2013. Oh but if only Tessuti could sell sewing-time…
Anyhoo, without further ado our randomly chosen giveaway winner is Belinda who is going to “FINALLY crack open my Japanese pattern books” in the new year. Congrats Belinda. Please email us at fabrics@tessuti.com.au with your postal address and pattern choice and we’ll be sending you a nice, early Christmas gift!
Great Jacket! ( and I can't believe Tessuti Melbourne is turning 5!)