Help support Victoria’s bushfire victims.
February 10, 2009
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the many affected in last Saturday’s horrific bushfires throughout Victoria.
Support the victims of the bushfires by shopping at Coles on Friday.
Coles will donate this Friday’s (13 Feb) profits from its 750 stores nationally to the Government’s Bushfire Appeal Fund in partnership with the Red Cross.
Customers will also be able to donate to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund at all Coles stores. Donations can be made at all Coles supermarket checkouts from today.
There is also a concert happening on the steps of the Opera House this coming Sunday Morning where volunteers will be walking around with buckets for donations to the Victorian Bushfire victims. The concert is part of the Sydney Festival & is free. I'm sure it will be very moving. Special Dawn Chorus from 6am Sunday 15th Feb. featuring Sydney Philharmonia Choirs a great way to start Sunday. Hope to see a few of you there!