Emilio Pucci silk jersey – ‘Geometric Retro Print’
This is another belated post…..Late last year, Nasrin – one of our very regular and long time customers, joined the Tessuti staff and we are absolutely thrilled to bits. She is an extremely talented sewer, with a wealth of knowledge and usually turns up to work in her own creations.
The latest to blow us away was this tunic dress. This simple design was drafted from her own pattern and made in this gorgeous silk jersey Emilio Pucci print (from our last Italian shipment) that we named ‘Geometric Retro Print’. You can read about the history of this amazing fashion house and their distinctive signature prints here.
I absolutely love the self tie belt with the tassled ends.
Nasrin was very clever to use the smaller repetitive pattern (seen around the hem of the dress), which was printed along both sides of the selvedge. She cut and re-applied it, by hand, down the centre and hem of the sleeves and also just under the neckline – creating a great effect – almost ‘boat-neck’ like.
A belated welcome Nasrin and well done, your silk jersey tunic is favoloso.
The combination of style and fabric is absolutely stunning!
I love that pattern and the fabric. I have some Pucci I bought on sale and am trying to figure out what pattern to use for it.
The use of the print is fantastic. Sometimes Pucci prints look very retro, not always in a good way to me, but she definitely modernized this fabric with the cut and the use of the smaller pattern. Great.
Simplistic style used really well. I had hoped someone would turn up sporting a creation of this fabric and I have not been disppointed. Good to see some new face!!