Innocent and Lovely Girlswear – Patterns J and P

The kid did some time in the shop during the school hols and to keep her occupied for what ultimately amounted to about ten minutes, I gave her a copy of Innocent and Lovely Girlswear and told her to pick something she’d like me to make. That turned out to be Pattern J.

This is such a great pattern and is featured in the book in both top and dress lengths.

The fabric – Alabaster Cross Stitch – had been sitting in the stash for a while but there is still stock available in-store and online. It’s a beautiful linen embroidered with a metal lurex thread and has just enough sparkle to make it appealing to a six year old.

The straps are adjustable, feeding through a casing at the back to form a bow. I lengthened the straps for effect and the beauty of this design is that’ll grow with her in years to come.

The leggings – Pattern S from the same book – took all of about half an hour to sew up. These are made up in White Glitter, a fine metal/rayon/spandex blend.

The convenience, speed and ultimate result mean that my cushionmaking obsession may just well have been replaced with a leggings-making one!
