(NEW) Lily Linen Dress Pattern
August 14, 2012
I’m excited about our newest dress pattern (sorry I had to squeeze this one in first before the Mia Tunic Top/Dress). Here’s Lily Linen Dress, best suited for our latest enzyme washed linens just arrived in store and online.
This great dress shape is flattering, comfortable and cool to wear and can be dressed up or down. The dress features cut-away shoulder line, pleat tucks on hem and pockets which gives the dress a modern and edgy look. Ideal for all ages and especially suited for our washed linens. Our Lily Linen Dress pattern comes in sizes S, M, L and XL and includes sewing instructions.
What size paper would it be on for copy shop print? Having the option would be good!
Taping sheets at home does not bother me either. I have an A3 printer so that option would also be good but not essential as I have software that can scale patterns. Barbara
Thank you Sampling – the full scale sheet will be 200cm x 82cm. You'd need to find a local print shop that has a large scale printer (maximum 840mm – used by architects, graphic artists etc) You can take the pdf file in on a USB stick and they can print it for you.
I don't mind taping pages together, but I know others do, so having the option would be good.
I don't always have time to go to a copy shop, so taping at home does not bother me. Both options would be ideal for all who are interested. Love the pattern 🙂
Oh, that's gorgeous! The hem detail is so pretty!
In my opinion having to print of the pattern at the copy shop defeats the purpose of buying it online? Wouldn't you just go into the Tessuti shop and buy the hard copy? Sticking the pages together doesn't take long at all, and it means I don't have to store the pattern away every time I'm finished using it, I can just keep it on my computer for next time and throw away the printed copy. It also means I can have instant access to the patterns, for those spontaneous sewing moments, rather than having to take it into a print shop, and wait half a day for it to be ready! I think in the end though, having both options would suit more customers!
Hi Jack, its so wonderful to have you stop by to leave a comment! I love your blog by the way.
PS and Bernadette Doherty says hello 🙂
It’s great for us here in South Africa who wouldn’t be able to receive it posted. In fact it’s just marvellous!!
I love the fact that I can print it out at home – I live in rural WA so don't have the convenience of a nearby 'copy shop'. This dress is sooooooo me!! Wish I had the shoes too.
drooling over this dress. linen, pocket and upside down pleats lovin'. i vote for the print at home. whenever i take things to be printed at the copy shop there is quite a bit of hand wringing on the copy clerks part. i am in canada and they seem to be notorious rule followers (even when it isn't breaking any rules)……
-a midwestern girl from the states.
I'd love the copy shop method. I'm on the other side of the world from Tessuti, but there's a copy shop two mile away. I can never get the print at home pages to be truly "exact size" so the copy shop is always my best bet.
Love this dress! I wouldn't balk at taping together pieces.
I like printing at home because I can get started as soon as the pattern is stuck together 🙂
Beautiful dress and well accessorized.
Hmmm, this looks very comfortable and I love the hem detail. I personally like pdf patterns to have the larger print at the copy shop file available, too, because its quick and convenient for me to do and saves me from all that taping.
if the copy shop option were available i'd certainly choose that. I tend to avoid pdf patterns.
the Lily dress would be perfect for our heat wave we're having in California!
I'm not sure how involved it would be to offer both. Where I don't relish taping all those sheets together, its a bit costly to print at a shop. If I must choose, the print at home options wins.
Thanks for a great looking pattern. I cannot wait to purchase it!
I think you should offer both versions. Print shop is easy and ensures you don't get inaccuracies creating in due to misaligning the pages. Home print is more convenient for most people but does take time to stick together.
Having both options would be great. Fabulous dress, imagine it will become a classic favourite.
As a time strapped student I need to do things when i get a .moment and tend not to plan too much – which is what would be required at the print shop. I would use the print at home 🙂
I would prefer to buy a printed pattern. But sticking together would be ok. Love the dress!
I love that linen and your accessories and shoes are very urban edgy.
I don't like taping and would not go to a copy shop, so I would just order a pattern and wait for it to arrive by snail mail.
I personally prefer printing at home, but I think having the option is a good idea – plus it might sell more patterns! Do you have any plans to produce patterns on paper, like you did originally for the NY Cape?
I'd print at home or in a shop or even on the moon if you'd just tell me (please?) a little more about the super shoes you are wearing….
Hi bellbird59 – these super shoes are ANNETTE GÖRTZ – Style:Rialto1 – that I bought from Silva Guanta Mosman (last season or the one before) – http://www.silvaguanta.com.au/collections/
I like the print at home option – usually cheaper and more convenient for me. This dress is gorgeous – beautiful linen.
Okay, never mind the pattern, where did you get those shoes? Very cute. They suit the dress perfectly.
I hate sticking paper together so a pdf for a copy shop would be my choice. But what I'd really like is to be able to buy a paper pattern in your shop.
Hi Dorothy,
The shoes are German label ANNETTE GÖRTZ – Style:Rialto1 – that I bought from Silva Guanta Mosman (last season or the one before) – http://www.silvaguanta.com.au/collections/.
Thank you. I'm off to Sydney for a holiday next week and I'll be sure to add Silva Guanta to my list of shops to check out. Oh, and Tessuti, of course.
I love the pattern!!! I'm going to the shop tomorrow to buy some of that linen, so I might just make that dress up with it. It looks great on you.
I hate sticking the paper together but I know I'd never get to the shop to do it (having 3 young children) so I'd just stick them together. Sounds like the option would be good for some though.
Thanks for another great pattern, I love them!
I'd be happy to go to a copy shop, but it would also be good to print at home if I needed to make it right now…
I love this!! Perfect for the upcoming fall season with tights and boots!!
I've used the copy shop option before and I doubt that I ever will. I can see how it might be useful to others, though.
I would love to be able to print it at home if I needed to make it straight away, but would probably be more likely to go to a copy shop
Why not offer both Colette? As a Sydney customer of yours I'd pop into the store, but thanks to Cyberland you have a world-wide market.
I reckon the option of both is ideal.
Any chance of a XS size? Pretty please?
Hi, I prefer a copy shop option – and in answer to Jack's comment above, you can order a large scale print (size Ai or A2) via online copy shops and have it sent via mail once printed. So it still has the online purchase convenience – it just means you'd need to buy the pdf and then send it on to the copy shop. I wonder if a copy shop offering this kind of online service could be linked to ont he pattern page?
Oh, and I LOVE the dress!
OMG Suzie – you just rocked my WORLD! I had no idea you could do that!
I'm voting PDF version then. Love, love love it!
OMG Suzie – you just rocked my WORLD! I had NO idea you could do that!
I vote PDF then. Love, love LOVE this!
Lovely dress! Hmm I wonder whether it would suit those of us who are on the shorter, curvier side as well as long, slim ladies? Maybe at a rather shorter length? Love the hemline pleats and pockets, always pockets 🙂
I would prefer to buy an actual printed pattern and have it posted to me. I'm not fond of taping patterns together, our printer is always running out of ink and paper, and I've never taken a file to a copy shop and imagine it might cost a bit, plus time and effort.
This is a fabulous pattern, perfect for our weather and lifestyle, figure flattering, suitable for all ages, able to be dressed up and down and a brilliant example of why people are turning to sewing their own clothes. Department stores are just not offering the type of clothes many women want to wear. More like this please! I would prefer a large print copy. I'll be making several in different colours and I need the pattern as sturdy as possible.
I find taping it together less hassle than managing to actually leave the house and print it out, but it can be fiddly.
I would like the print at home — but if I was buying linen online I would also like the option to pay a small premium and get a paper copy from Tessuti. Sort of like a 'kit option'.
I would like to be able to print at home and then tape the sheets of paper together and then cut out. This is a fun thing to do when watching TV. I really love this dress pattern and the fabric you chose to sew it in.
I prefer to print at home as I have two young children and I don't always have time to go out to the copy shop. The kids enjoy sticking the pieces of the puzzle together with me on the floor as well.
Thanks for a beautiful dress pattern, I can see my daughter and I will be fighting over this one!
I quite like printing and sticking at home, it's quick and easy and more importantly instant!
I have never used a printing shop and if that were the only option it might not happen for me, also living in Perth going into your store is not an option,
Not really anonymous
Penny Hooper
hi there,
I would love either option but wouldn't it be really lovely if it was an already printed pattern ready to cut out and place on the fabric!
I agree with Rebecca about the printing, prefer not to go out. But Colette, this dress is gorgeous! I can't wait to get the pattern and some of the wonderful enzyme washed linen…yipppeee. It is such a me dress. Problem is, I would like the shoes and the necklace as well!
Fantastic, I love the pattern. It looks georgous on the model. I agree with Karen's comments. Department stores are not offering this styling. Both options of printing would be great.
I'd prefer the version on a full scale sheet. Great pattern.
I'm all for saving time and money! So being able to buy online, print at home, tape up and be cutting fabric inless than an hour – all without leaving home is PERFECT! And isave money because I don't pay postage or have someone else printing it for me, and if I don't have to leave home it forces me to use stash LOL
I really like the idea of both options for this pattern as the sticking together of the A4 sheets is a lot of work
I have printed out large format patterns before at officeworks really easy
I love this dress! it's so chic yet looks very comfortable. I would probably prefer the 'print at home' option but having the option so more people can get in to sewing would be great!!! 🙂
A very nice dress and I'm sure I can sew a fallversion. I live in Germany an the sewer prepare for fall. I'd prefer the PDF version.
Love the dress- great details. My preference is for print at copy shop, being as I have access to a large format printer (A1 or B1 width) at my work.
I've only bought a few pdf sewing patterns, but I already know the brands that provide both formats (Like Oliver and S) are the brands I'm more likely to buy patterns from again.
either is good – but print at home is the better option for me- looking forward to making it. I am already trying to select the fabric for it!
This is a really lovely versatile pattern. As its shown its devine! And/but I can also imagine it in silk. And it would also would make a great tunic top without its sleeves. It has a lovely neckline, The pockets too could be played with made bigger or in contrasting fabric. Your patterns are just so good, so inspiring, so helpful for those of us who have an eye for something marvelous and different!! Print at home would suit me fine… Thank you cant wait to pick it up XX Jena
Lovely pattern – I would prefer to print at home, as I live in rural Victoria, Australia, so the convenience to print and get cracking once you've taped, is attractive. From reading the other comments though, it would probably be useful to some to have the copy shop option. Thanks! Tam.
I have my fabric chosen already. I would prefer the print at home version please. Much more convenient for us mums with children at home.
Love it, love it, love it. Option to do either print style. At home is great for convenience but large format is probably easier for storage. Can't wait to get my hands on the pattern and start sewing will be in the shop tomorrow checking out the fabric. Lisa
This is a lovely dress!
I think if you can offer an option for either home print or shop print, that would be useful. While I don't mind taping papers together to achieve the pattern, the option to just print it at the copy shop would be very convenient.
I can do the taping thing too, but would love to buy it over the counter from Tessuti..a good excuse to go in & drool over the luscious fabrics & maybe buy some! Any idea when a hard copy of the pattern might be available??
Love it. Love the shoes too Colette.
I also am delighted with the pattern. I found Officeworks useless as couldn't deal with this particular size. My local small print shop was FABULOUS. AU$16 and took 5-6 mins! (Details supplied to Collette.) Making it up at least three times makes that good value indeed. I consider that excellent as just had custom pattern made from individual garment and that cost AU$85. But, unusual garment and one of a kind – however, just provide for comparison. Thanks Tessuti so much for starting this line of patterns.
aaaggh – it flashed in front of my eyes … 'you might also like' … linen pillow cases – and then never reappeared in the page refresh. where did they go?
Hi Diane – is it this one?
Little late…how many yards (yes, I'm in the U.S.) would this take to make? I'm thinking three yards. Somehow I'm thinking a metallic linen would be delish.
I think both options would be ideal. Although I don't mind printing and taping, I would take the extra effort of taking this to my local print shop. The Lily Dress has lovely details. I'm anticipating the pattern release in August.
Hi Rebecca. This blog post dates back to 2012 so our Lily Dress is well and truly released! http://www.tessuti-shop.com/collections/digital-download-pattern-dresses/products/lily-linen-dress-pattern
Love the shoes, I realize the photo was taken a while ago, but would love to know who they are made by.
Hi lizclarke, check out the response (above in the comments) to Dorothy on August 15th 2012.
I am an old fashion lady I cannot print and tape because I don't know what your are talking about and would prefer a printed pattern please, thank you.
We sell hard copy patterns too Chris. Just head on over to http://www.tessuti-shop.com
Love this thanks! Always good to have both options available.
What are the measurements… in inches for the xl?
Hi Shannon. Not sure if you’re after sizing or finished measurements. We have a handy conversion calculator that’s on the bottom right hand side of our product page https://www.tessuti-shop.com/products/lily-linen-dress-pattern
Hello! I am wondering if the seams included on the pattern.
Hi Irena. Yes, all seams are included in our patterns. Please take the seam allowance specified in the instructions.