Julia – Winner of the 2011 Tessuti Awards

What have you been up to since you won the Tessuti Awards?
Since winning the awards in 2011 I have travelled to New York thanks to Tessuti where I buried myself in fabric and notion stores, visited fashion exhibitions and took private lessons from some great New York couturiers.
Entering the awards gave me the confidence to start a sewing blog at www.juliabobbin.com, where I have catalogued all my creations and designs. I have very much enjoyed creating group-sewing challenges, with great enthusiasm around the Mad Men sew-a-longs.
I have been fortunate to have had two of my dresses featured in the German BurdaStyle magazine, given various sewing interviews, and will be travelling to Italy in July 2013 where I will be attending as many classes as I can get my hands on.
I got married in October 2011, where I wore a dress I designed and made. In January of this year I introduced my first child Harry into the world, who I am pleased to report has excellent sewing hands.
I continue to sew and create and to attend classes each week. I love that I still have so much to learn.
Did winning the Tessuti Awards change your career or personal life in any way?
The Tessuti Awards gave me the courage to move from being a seamstress who followed patterns and sewed for fun, to a designer with a voice of her own. It has driven my passion of sewing and creating and taken it outside my own sewing room. It has enabled me to meet other designers in the sewing world, and has opened doors for me to start creating my own patterns, further my skills and eventually turn what I am passionate about into my career.
What words of encouragement would you give to anyone considering entering the 2013 Tessuti Awards?
Whether you’ve just started out sewing or have been doing it for years, the Tessuti Awards is a great way to set yourself a sewing challenge and to push your skills. The Awards helped me get out of my comfort zone and to start thinking more as a designer and creator. It is what accelerated my learning and style. The Tessuti Awards offers endless inspiration and is something you can feel proud to be part of it.
Thanks Julia!