Colour in Thirds Sewing Competition

Remember Skylines? And before that Cut Out Lace? And even before that In Season? Well, we’re very excited and inspired to launch our latest competition – Colour in Thirds.

Colour in Thirds – Indigo

Colour in Thirds – Khaki 

Colour in Thirds – Black

This year, the competition fabric is a Japanese polyester crepe de chine and comes in three colours – indigo, khaki and black. For the competition duration, it’s half price at just $14 per metre. This fabric is currently enjoying enormous popularity in the fashion industry and has been sourced from a well known designer renowned for producing quality garments. It’s silk-like in feel, cool to wear, machine washable, exceptional for draping and pleating and perfect for a wide variety of garments.

Entry guidelines are super simple. Sew whatever style you want. Sew something that’s sympathetic to the fabric. Sew an original design or use a pattern. You can use one, both or a combination of all three competition fabrics.

As entries are received, we’ll upload images to our competition Pinterest board. We’ve got the ball rolling  by pinning some inspiration in a wide range of styles to help you get a creative taste of just what’s possible with this fabric.

First Prize is AUD1000 cash and Second and Third places will respectively win a $500 and $250 Tessuti gift voucher. The winning prizes are all quoted in Australian dollars and competition is open to both local and international entrants.

Entries close midnight AEST Sunday 14th April 2019.

Please note that the following Terms and Conditions apply to enter our competition:

  • Enter as many garments as you like.
  • The submitted garment outer fabric must be made entirely in the competition fabric. Unless made from the competition fabric, no trims or embellishments (e.g. embroidery, beading, smocking etc.)  are allowed and you cannot dye the fabric. Regular closures such as zips and buttons are permitted.
  • Lining fabric is permitted and may be purchased elsewhere.
  • It is a condition of entry that the garment, images and any associated materials be permitted for promoting Tessuti and the images may be supplied to media for promotion.
  • The winning entrant gives permission for Tessuti to use images of themselves and the winning garment on the Tessuti website, blog and other promotional opportunities if required.
  • The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • If the winner is an entrant outside of Australia, money will be awarded at the current exchange rate equivalent to the AUD1000 prize relevant to the prize-winner’s currency of residence.
Make your garment/s, take up to ten great photos, email them to us at (Subject heading: Colour in Thirds Competition) and we’ll upload them to our Pinterest competition board.

Photo guidelines are as follows so please ensure you include:

•    at least one photo of your garment/s in the design/development stage
•    at least one photo of the close up details of your design
•    at least one photo of the stitching/construction inside the garment.

Try to:

•    crop the photos to 500 pixels wide and 750 pixels high.
•    submit photos that show off your creation at its best. As an example, please include at least one front, side and rear photo.
•    photograph the outfit being worn on an actual person – not a dressmaker’s form or coat hanger.
•    have a photo or two of the dress under construction.
•    have a close-up photo or two of the garment/s to show features and quality of construction.
•    take clear photos in good, natural light. Blurry, dark photos will never do your garment justice!

And finally, if you’re sharing an entry on Instagram please don’t forget to use the #tessuticolourinthirds hashtag.

Happy sewing and if you have any questions, feel free to email us or leave a comment below.

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