Love your overlocker
A few months ago I purchased an overlocker on eBay. My first. A Bernette 334DS. I drove all the way out to Trentham to pick her up and then pranged the fella’s car on the drive home. Once I’d paid the insurance excess, my bargain purchase turned out to be not so much a bargain after all. So as you can see, my overlocker and I, we didn’t get off to the best start. After I had her serviced, I had the best intentions to work her out but damn if that ‘how to thread’ diagram didn’t completely scare the life out of me. And then I heard about Bev Thomas’ Get to Know Your Overlocker class at Camberwell Sewing Centre. The first thing Bev taught us is – bless – how to thread your overlocker. You should’ve heard the collective groans as she went around the class and snipped threads so we could all start from scratch. And wouldn’t you know it, it’s not that hard after all. By class end, I’d even learnt to do a rolled hem!
I highly recommend this 3 hour session for anyone who is more than a little intimidated by the elephant overlocker in their sewing room. Check out the newsletter on the Camberwell Sewing Centre website for class dates.
And while I can’t quite say that me and my Bernette are as yet the best of friends, I do believe this is the start of a beautiful friendship…
PS if you know of any similar classes interstate, feel free to share in the comments!